Mungo Jerry
WDR Studio Recording Cologne
23 November 2007


Ray Dorset: Vocals-Guitar
Winnie Martin: Guitar-Vocals
Torsten Lüderwaldt: Piano
Sasha: Bass
Martin Troike: Percussion


Traveled: 270 km
It was Ray or Winnie, I can't remember exactly, who invited me for a life studio recording by the German Broadcast studio WDR on the friday 23th november. A journey to Cologne Germany, 't was cold even in the studio. In The Summertime should be recorded for a television show. First tuning up the instrumentsand a few rehearsals for the soundschech, now it's time for the make-up and the first recording,  after three recordings a break for coffee and waiting for the dicision of the technici, now I had bad luck.... Ray come with the idea to let me join the band to do some "Jug work" like Paul always did in the early years, but the last recording was ok according the technici... imagine: the first time I saw Ray Dorset aka Mungo Jerry alias "My Lifetime Hero" was in 2000, now 7 years later Ray invited me to join Mungo Jerry... at mans dream.... After a chat with Ray and the band it was time to say goodbye, I had a wonderfull day, thanks to you all

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