Mungo Jerry Bluesband
Vlotho Germany
Umsonst & Draussen Festival
1 september 2002
First time life om stage
"Open Up live" released on several cd's, is here recorded
Ray Dorset: Guitars, Harp, Kazoo, Lead Vocals
Achim Patz: Keyboards, Harp
Klaus Wenske: Bass Guitar
Michael Pohl: Guitar
Klaus Otto: Drums
Onstage 8:10pm:
Satesboro Blues / Rock Me Mama / That's Why I Sing The Blues / Lady Rose / Dust Pneumonia Blues / Morning Dew / Wiggle & Waggle / No More Woman Blues / Going Down Slow / Open Up / Baby Jump / In The Summertime / Just Can't Say Goodbye / Let's Work Together
Off stage 9:50pm
Traveled:  780km
 I left home at 9:15am with Nienke for our trip to Vlotho, we arrived 1:15pm. Parked the car at the park/camping place. When we came into the area we’re a little shocked, it was a Punk/Rock festival !? Never seen that strange folks with weard “haircuts” and “clothes” before. So we left the area because Mungo Jerry Bluesband was planned at 8:00pm, and the music was not our cup of tea, we have time enough so we visit Herford ‘till 6:30. Because we're invited by Michael Pohl, we could take the “artists entrée” and parked our car backstage, this time no problems with the security. The band arrived just a few minuts later including Jürgen Keuneke.
I think Ray was very proud to his band because he introduced them four times on stage.
And the gig is also filmed with 5 digital cameras.
During the gig I looked back into the audience and I was surpriced, almost all “smelling punkers” were replaced by, let’s say “normal people” except some very very drunk boring guys hanging around the stage who troubled the security.
A review in not a review when I tell nothing about the show, well that’s easy enough; FANTASTIC !! Great musicians with brilliant harp playing from Achim, smooth guitar playing by Michael, and Ray lead the band the way Ray only can do, and ofcourse great drums from Klaus Otto and brilliant bass from Klaus Wenske. (At this time I didn't know that "Open Up Live"  has been later issued on several cd's)
After a nice chat backstage with the bandmembers (they signed the festival poster) and Jürgen we left 11:15pm and we arrived very tired but satisfied our home 2:50am.
Note: After I have had the film developed, I discover that there is a serious problem with the camera, from now on I use a new Canon analog camera, sorry for the bad photos.



Signed Festival Poster
21 Photos 6oo x 400
1 Photo 400 x 550
1 Photo 400 x 600